Contextual Essay: Independent Digital Asia Auto-Ethnography (Part 3)

For my project, I decided to explore the beauty industry involved in East Asia. The main aspect to explore contained three parts: The products themselves, the digital aspect, and the the ingredients. This was presented in an Instagram page, where I would review a beauty product from East Asia in one post, then discuss the ingredients in a second post, and repeat with each product. The final posts consisted of 10 products and 20 posts.

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Theres never enough makeup: Independent Digital Asia Auto-ethnography (Part 2)

I previously did a blog post about my Independent Digital Asia Auto-ethnography, which was to be based on the Asian Beauty industry and my journey to view what it was like. I have done more research these past few weeks and  started to understand the East Asian beauty industry a little more through auto-ethnography, autobiography, and ethnography.

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Who doesn’t love a little makeup: Independent Digital Asia Autoethnography

So when people think of make up in the western world we think of exclusive brands, a long process for people to apply, and the certain styles that are considered the norm for western culture. However the East Asian (EA) culture of makeup and beauty differs dramatically, and because of this, I have decided to complete my Independent DA Autoethnography on EA Beauty culture

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Almighty Gojira

Ok, lets be honest for the first blog post of the semester… I wasn’t able to make it.

I know, I know, first day and I can’t make my first BCM320 class, BUT, it doesn’t mean I didn’t do my own research at home, and for this week, the discussion was towards Auto-ethnography, and the 1954 film Gojira.

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