“Mom, get out of my room, I’m hacking the system!”: Digital Resistance

Hacktivism has become more and more of a controversial topic concerning today, especially in the political and social viewpoints. However, the real world of the digital resistance has become divided from the real people making a difference online, to people who think hacking into a website is revolutionary.

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My Blog Statistics: Research Communication

On March 3rd 2016, I wrote my first ever blog post called Introduction of…Me! The reason I started blogging was because of my Communications and Media degree at the University of Wollongong. I look back at my first post and see how… bad it is, and I think it’s good to admit that. I didn’t think blogging would be an integral part of my degree, but seeing the engagement and online presence as a large part in society today, my blog has become a part of me and developed my understanding of writing online.

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Running Towards the Events: The Social Network Revolutions

When I say Scream “DJ Khaled” at Hyde Park What do you think? Well, I expect you to think “People are gonna scream ‘DJ Khaled’ at Hyde Park”. This is exactly what this event on Facebook is about, a social network gathering with the ability to create a event and gather interest in a topic that before people didn’t care about,

And over 1400 people are going.

Continue reading “Running Towards the Events: The Social Network Revolutions”

4Chan vs. Reddit: Regulating audiences

Media regulation is common, we all know this by now. Its a practice used by all of media to decide what content is and isn’t good. When I think media regulation in relation to the internet, I don’t think of one site, but two,

4Chan and Reddit.

But in relation to media regulation, what’s different from the two?

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Can you stay focused there?: Attention, presence and place


Its one of the hardest things to keep these days. With so much distraction happening these days, you cant keep track of what is happening.

Hopefully this has kept your attention… so far

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Don’t have a degree, but I have a camera (PART 2): Social media and the transformation of journalism

Last year (just like my last post) I wrote a blog post on Citizen journalism, which you can VIEW HERE

So just like my last post, lets go back in time and talk about citizen journalism again

Continue reading “Don’t have a degree, but I have a camera (PART 2): Social media and the transformation of journalism”

Living in the Luxury: The Cinema Experience

Ahh the cinemas, the place where I find the most relaxation in my life. I always admired the cinemas, even considering it one of my favourite places to go to, but ever since there were upgrades to the movie cinemas, there’s one experience I always cant pass up anymore when going.

Continue reading “Living in the Luxury: The Cinema Experience”

The Govt. Can’t control the Internet, Right?: Understanding the network society paradigm

20 years ago, The Declaration of Cyberspace by John Perry Barlow declared, in its overall message, that Governments don’t – and can’t – govern the Internet. We think this is true, because the internet is so big, that everything would be allowed… right?

Well let me tell you a story about The Pirate Bay…

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